
Love books. I’m always wanting to read another, buy another, write another. I’m happiest now in bed with my Kindle reader open, reading a book to fall asleep, or waking late, wallowing a little in bed to finish the story I started the night before.

As a member of writers groups, President of a local group for almost forty years, I’m surprised how many people join the group hoping to write a book, preferably a best seller. I’ve never discouraged anyone from pursuing their dream because it may very well be a book I’ll love to read.

Honestly, there’s not that much money in writing for most people. If you don’t love writing, if you have a choice to quit it and take up another hobby where you can earn money, then you should quit while you can. I write because it is a compulsion and my brain keeps spinning stories that keep me awake at night. So, I make notes and when I think I see a complete story, I get up and write. You can make this a habit, and it may make you wealthy, but understand the odds are pretty long.

What I do for all dreamers is to encourage them to write and finish their stories. If you want to write, read a lot, read a lot of books about writing, and write until it becomes an unbreakableĀ habit. Please write your stories and books.

I also warn beginning writers to beware when it comes to spending a lot of money with anyone who offers to help them realize their dream. Honestly, I listen to tons of webinars, one even offered to mechanically help you write the next book in a few hours. Others advise hiring others to create the cover, edit the book, or handle the promotion. Writing a warning tonight, because just read two good articles saying the same thing, beware. Here are the links from AutoCrit.


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